Mini Sessions

October 5th 2024


Beautiful pictures at half the price


If you have followed my work for a while but felt it was out of your budget – here is your chance!

It’s the only time of the year you can have a discounted location shoot, so these are popular!
You get the same beautiful images as always, but half the price.
These will be perfect to put on your own wall, as well as brilliant for presents!

There will be roughly 20min of photography, which will include both family picture and perfect portraits of the kids… and the dog if you like!

Where & when
These are in Stoke Albany on October the 5th 2024.
The session includes all the images in your gallery (I estimate around 10 images per family), as well as a beautiful 10×8 Fine Art Print of your choice, hardback mounted ready for you to print.

PLEASE NOTE Due to the time frame this is not for extended families!

Trialing new pricing 

£325 (if I can also use your images, that’s an extra £125 discount)
£450 (without marketing rights)

It is really important that YOU can see examples of my work before booking me, and hence it’s important for me that I am able to share real sessions 😉

You can choose if I can use your images or not once you have seen them.

£50 to book your slot, remaining £275/£400 due when your images are ready. 


mini autumn photography


shaping memories

I honestly think we can contiously shape our memories through the pictures and film we create. We are all so busy, it’s so easy to sink into the feeling on not being a good enough parent, but pictures of lovely moments reinforce that we ARE good enough, we DO love our kids enough and our kids do love us back – because who doesn’t like knowing that too 😉


and connection



